Chapter 2.9- Skilling

Jonah plays with the dolls house

I taught Jonah to walk

I played chess

Me and Jennika watched stars

I chatted with Jonah

I played chess

I repaired the dishwasher

I had my birthday

I did some gardening

I mopped

Dad used the Karoake machine

I went on a stroll with Jonah

Chapter 2.8- Additions

Mum got promoted

I am a dad

and a great cook

I married Jennika

This is my son. He loves sports always pointing at the tv and pointing and babbling in excitement when sports are on and wakes up at the slightest noise.

I played chess

My wife had her birthday

I cleaned

I sung with the maid

Jonah is soon a toddler

Jennika taught him to talk

I cleaned the high chair

Jonah learnt to use the potty

Chapter 2.7- Free Day

I went fishing

I read a book and learnt a new skill

Me and Mum had a pillow fight

We did the laundry

I cleaned the toilet.

Hi, the controlled here, Jerome got 100,000 points so i controlled him for a day. He met, kissed and made a baby with Jennika.

I am back, I invited Jennika over and we sung together.

I cooked

I repaired

I upgraded

Mum got promoted

Chapter 2.3- Socialisation

I complained about video games with mum

I also did a mind meld with her.

I cooked pancakes for breakfast

I had a soak in the hot-tub despite the snow

I sung Karoake

I gave a gift to travis

I also had a chat with Andy

Mum and Dad enjoy having pillow fights

I practised chess

I pulled a prank at school and didn’t get caught.

I chatted about the weather with dad

he also trained me

I mooched some money off Andy

We also played chess

I used a telescope

Chapter 2.2- Birthdays

Jessica does the laundry

I made breakfast

I upgraded the toilet

I watched the cooking channel

i did the laundry

I raked some leaves

Mum had her birthday and is now an elder

My sister had her birthday too and moved out

Dad got promoted

I am doing great at school

I made a new friend

We skated on the ice

I did my homework

My mum did a play

I made another friend

I had a chat with mum

I tried basketball

I chatted with mum

Chapter 2.1- Upgrades

I chatted with his dad

I also sung Karoake

I am now a Teenager and I am proper

I enjoy reading

I upgraded the shower so it would clean itself

I am getting more and more handy

I chatted some more with dad

I raked some leaves

My sister is a great student

I enjoys jumping in the leaf piles

I watched some tv

Jessica played basketball

I upgraded the stove

Me and Jessie did our homework

Dad played darts

mum chatted online with some friends

I upgraded the sink

Chapter 1.5- Winter

My holiday bonus was great news especially with a baby on the way.

I met a new person

i did some reading

My son Jerome was born. He loves to be warm and to relax.

Me and Chadwick got married

We are still romantic

Jerome loves to be rocked

Chadwick loves the snow too

He is a very hands on dad

I had my birthday

Chapter 1.1- Starting Over

Hello Everybody, I am Annabel Smithen and I moved to the lovely town of Aurora Skies to live life on my terms. I love family, am great at fixing things, love to clean and cook and can also sleep through anything. I also want to become a famous chef.

I can’t afford much at the moment but with what money I did have, i purchased my first home.

i then headed down to the local diner and got a job there.

I went exploring in the archives

I met and made friends with a celeb Fjord

i did some cooking

I watched the weather channel

I got promoted

I played darts

I had fun at the summer festival.