Chapter 3.1- Teenage Fun

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Luci went to prom where she got a romantic interest and was prom queen.


Lily-Ann was potty trained and taught to talk.

Luci took a trip to the festival and got her picture took. She also had fun having water fights, eating hot-dogs and ice-skating. She brought a float and two umbrellas one for sun and one for rain with her tickets.


Lily found out she was expecting again.


Luci did her favourite hobby dancing.


Lolana played with a boat


She cuddled with Luci


Lily-Ann decided it was more fun to play with the dolls inside the dolls house


Luci pranked the school


Lolana became a child.

Author: skyegal30

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog, My name is Samantha. I work with children, and in my spare time, I enjoy playing Sims and reading. I love playing with sims and doing challenges. I have quite a lot.

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